New Mounting System For East-West C&I PV Systems

New Mounting System

A new mounting system for east-west commercial and industrial (C&I) photovoltaic (PV) systems refers to an innovative structure or framework designed to support solar panels in a configuration where they are oriented both eastward and westward. Traditionally, solar panels are installed facing south in order to capture the maximum amount of sunlight throughout the day. However, in some situations, such as in commercial and industrial settings where space constraints or building orientation may be factors, it may be advantageous to install panels in an east-west configuration.

East-west PV systems

East-west PV systems allow for a more even distribution of energy generation throughout the day, with peak production occurring in the morning and evening rather than just at midday. This can be beneficial for matching energy consumption patterns in commercial and industrial facilities, where electricity demand may be higher during morning and evening hours.

Dutch PV system supplier Autarco has introduced a new mounting structure for commercial and industrial PV systems.

Its Flow platform is a symmetrical system for rooftops with slopes of up to 5 degrees.

“It was been designed with installers in mind and offers a solution to quickly, safely and easily install larger solar panels on flat roofs,” the company said.

It claimed that the new system simplifies the installation of large-size solar panels and creates large connected fields with coverage of up to 50 meters.

“It is an excellent option for large-scale projects and commercial applications,” said Autarco.

The company supplies the Flow system with pre-assembled components with fewer packaging materials and a single tool for installation. It features a hinge placed directly beneath each panel, “which means a smooth and quick assembly process,” it said, noting that cables are integrated into the system.

Autarco said claims that Flow “guarantees stability in regions with high wind and high snow load, thanks to the clamps on the long side of the solar panels.” It did not provide additional details about the specific loads.

Product warranty

The manufacturer is offering a 10-year product warranty.

C&I PV Systems

The new mounting system for east-west C&I PV systems would include structural components, supports, and fixtures designed specifically to accommodate this orientation, ensuring the stability, efficiency, and longevity of the solar array. It may incorporate features such as adjustable tilt angles, tracking mechanisms, and optimized spacing between panels to maximize energy production while minimizing shading and other potential issues.

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